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Faizan Sahigara

Faizan Sahigara


Faizan Sahigara



Research topic

Tools for prediction of environmental properties of chemicals by QSAR/QSPR within REACH.


University of Milano-Bicocca

List of publications
List of posters
  • "Comparison of approaches to define Applicability Domain for the application of QSAR models."
    Authors: Faizan Sahigara, Kamel Mansouri, Davide Ballabio, Andrea Mauri, Viviana Consonni, Roberto Todeschini.
    Presented at 21st SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy. May 2011.
List of presentations
  • A novel approach towards defining the Applicability Domain of QSAR models. Presented at CMTPI - 2011 on 7th September, 2011 in Maribor, Slovenia.
  • Comparison of different Applicability Domain Approaches. Presented at Chemometrics Workshop, May 2011 in Albano Laziale, Italy.
Final report


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