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The training program will consist of

  1. Expert training within research projects (LTR)
  2. Training in specific methods, approaches during the lab-exchange visits (LTR, STR)
  3. Three Winter and three Summer Schools
Activity 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Student recruitment
Workshops X X X
Winter schools X X X X
Summer schools X X X
LTR training
LTR internships
STR training
Milestones M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
Final reports, finances

Research project expert training The expert training by research consists of an individual research project work package well integrated in the overall network structure as described in sections B5. The training will be provided by one or two supervisors depending on the specific features of the participating organizations (e.g., in national centers like HMGU, RIVM each PhD position will be co-supervised by supervisor from the center as well by affiliated professor from a University, who can be also the same person or another employee of the center). Research work packages will be subdivided into tasks that will be achievable within 6 to 18 months. Part of these objectives will be fulfilled during research stays at partnering institutes within the network or at associated partners. Every 12 months, the fellows will report on their progress and the next steps in milestone reports, which are also a deliverable to the EU Commission. In addition to that, the fellows will give presentations about their latest progress during the schools.

Moreover, the PhD topics of LTRs are not isolated but vice versa, are also strongly linked to the large EU or national grants at each organization. This will allow the LTRs easily to integrate and become part of the larger team, to receive additional training within these projects by interacting with other researches working at these large projects, as well as establish new contacts and networks, which will be very important for their further successful career. Indeed, the LTRs of this network, who will be a part of large grants as well will receive strong training in a variety of tools and complementary approaches inside of the ECO, will have all chances to become leaders in the fields within the next years.

Lab exchange-training Each participant will have the opportunity to stay on average 2 out of 12 months each year in partners laboratories (in particular in labs of associated partners), where (s)he will receive additional training. However, the schedule will be flexible and with course of the project will be adapted to include new associated partners who will join the ECO. The supervisors of host laboratories as well as PhD students involved in ECO and working in the host organizations will provide on-site training of the guests. This will develop mentoring abilities of PhD students.

STR (Short Term early stage Researcher) training A total number of about 37 Short-Term Fellowships (STF) each one 3 – 6 months duration, with an average expected duration of 4 months will be offered to ESR researchers. Following the award, the STR will be involved in research training in the same way as LTRs during their lab exchange-training (see above). After finishing of the STF, a short report will be provided, which will also be included in the yearly deliverables to the EU commission. All STRs will be required to present results of their studies at one of the schools.

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