Swapnil Chavan
Swapnil Chavan
Chemical grouping and computational methods to assess biologic activity and toxicity
1. Chavan, S. Towards new computational tools for predicting toxicity. Linnaeus University, http://lnu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:914669, 2016.
2. Chavan, S.; Abdelaziz, A.; Wiklander, J. G.; Nicholls, I. A., A k-nearest neighbor classification of hERG K(+) channel blockers. J. Comput. Aided. Mol. Des. 2016, 30 (3), 229-36.
3. Chavan, S.; Friedman, R.; Nicholls, I. A., Acute Toxicity-Supported Chronic Toxicity Prediction: A k-Nearest Neighbor Coupled Read-Across Strategy. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2015, 16 (5), 11659-77.
4. Nicholls, I. A.; Chavan, S.; Golker, K.; Karlsson, B. C.; Olsson, G. D.; Rosengren, A. M.; Suriyanarayanan, S.; Wiklander, J. G., Theoretical and Computational Strategies for the Study of the Molecular Imprinting Process and Polymer Performance. Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol 2015, 150, 25-50.
5. Chavan, S.; Nicholls, I. A.; Karlsson, B. C.; Rosengren, A. M.; Ballabio, D.; Consonni, V.; Todeschini, R., Towards global QSAR model building for acute toxicity: munro database case study. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2014, 15 (10), 18162-74.