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Leiden University

Dr. Willie Peijnenburg, is scientific coordinator as well as project leader at LU for a variety of National and International projects aimed at supporting environmental risk assessment in the Netherlands and in pre-accession countries. His research focus is on the integration of emerging environmental issues at the borderline of environmental chemistry and (eco)toxicology. Current research interests include QSAR, fate and effects of nanomaterials, bioavailability of chemicals in soils and surface waters, and research in support of the implementation of REACH. He has published over 100 scientific papers and is currently involved in three FP6 and FP7 EU projects, in one of which (CADASTER) he is the coordinator. The foreseen extent of involvement in percent of the full time employment is 20%.

1.Peijnenburg WJGM, den Hollander HA (2008). Supporting REACH – Development of building blocks of a module for intelligent testing of data-poor organic substances. RIVM report no. 607220011.
2.Wijnhoven S, … Peijnenburg W, ... Geertsma R (2008) Nano-silver - A review of available data and knowledge gaps. RIVM report 360003001.
3.De Zwart D, Warne A, Forbes VE, Peijnenburg WJGM, Van De Meent D (2008). Matrix and media extrapolation. In: K.R. Solomon, ... (Eds.). Extrapolation practice for ecological effect characterization of chemicals (EXPECT). SETAC Press, Pensacola, FL.

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